Horoscope! We discover astrological predictions for 2015 for the sign of the bull, the second of the zodiac and the first earth. Fortunately, work, health, in which areas the stars will bring more luck?
Horoscope 2015 For The Bull
Friends of the wise and fascinating sign of the bull, you’ll have to exercise one of your best qualities – the pazienza- again for all of 2015, a year that promises to be a bit tiring and not really generous, especially on the sentimental.
Unfortunately Saturn against (the opposite sign of Scorpio), until the month of September, we will create a few obstacles, and probably will force you to resize that project cherished by time, perhaps because it is not yet time to try to put it into practice.
But do not despair, this stalemate, in reality, you also need to stop to take stock of your life, and maybe you’ll understand exactly which direction, even professional, you want to give that kind of love relationship you want to establish, without false enthusiasm, protected from hazards which, however, are not part of your nature, forward-looking concrete. Let’s see, sector by sector, what 2015 will bring to all the bulls and torelline.
Love. The question is this, 2015 will be a year of “nodes to roost.” If you are in couple for a long time and your relationship “langue”, it’s probably time to make a decision. With clarity you will now be able to tell if your relationship is only a phase of tired, or if in fact the feeling is mutual finished. This phase could be painful but also very constructive in anticipation of a more fulfilling future. The clarity of the rest you will not miss the next few months, and this is also true for those who are single. Hardly get hit by a “lightning strike” in 2015, and only since the autumn might encounter some stingy luckier on the sentimental. Benefit to cultivate friendships and to give space to your inner self. Take care of your heart and you will see that soon you’ll be ready to live a wonderful and new romance
Work and money. It ‘time to do the ants. Work is little occasions latitano if you are unemployed, and it certainly is not good time to head off on new and ambitious business projects. Take, therefore, as those who wisely administer the assets in times of “lean”, and in the meantime beware always very well around, because opportunities fruitful might suddenly appear especially towards the end of the year. The study will be difficult, but you are determined and resilient, used this difficult economic astral to consolidate your employment status pending stages more fortunate, and you can save more
Bless you. You’ll have to keep at bay especially the tendency to laziness, to “let go” also determined by a bit ‘of depression. Do not indulge too much with his throat (your weakness) and, instead, Nourish well, take care of your health, afte routine checks and practiced the “positive thinking.” Yoga and meditation can help you maintain a state of balance and serenity throughout 2015, so at the end of the year you’ll find yourself in better shape than ever