Kaolin Clay: a Brief Chemical Break Down

With Bonus Face Mask Rituals!


You might have used a kaolin mask before or have seen it listed in the ingredients of soap. Kaolin is short for Kaolinite. It is sometimes called china clay. This silicate mineral is used to process a plethora of products. A few common places Kaolinite can be found are:

  • Toothpaste
  • Ceramics, porcelain
  • Paint
  • Rubber
  • Light diffusing material in light bulbs
  • Insect repellent & sun screen for crops

China clay has many uses but a healing, soothing face mask is by far my favorite use. The masks are simple to create & feel quite relaxing as they dry. Here are some simple ideas for concoctions. Play around with the amounts & types of oils. We all have special skin issues to address & masks are a fabulous way to take care of them.

Making a Basic Kaolin Mask:

Combine 5 oz of kaolin clay with a small amount of water. Add the water slowly & carefully until the mixture is thick & pasty. If mixture is too watery add more Kaolinite to thicken. You can apply the mask straight away or add some essential oils, carrier oils, herbs, fruit or whatever the mood calls for. Here are some basic ideas on what to add to make a unique mask that is perfect for those particular problems.

Oily/Combo/Acne Prone Skin Recipe Ingredients:

  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Lavender Oil [whole buds crushed in a mortar are nice & turn the mask blue!]
  • Rosehip Oil
  • Grapefruit Oil
  • Hibiscus [I like it powdered]
  • Argan Oil
  • Strawberry [yes, real mashed up berries! Great for toning]
  • Pumpkin
  • Honey

 I would suggest adding equal parts of everything for the newbie mask maker. If new to any of the ingredients be sure to add them sparingly. Just a drop or two of each oil will suffice. A pinch of the powdered ingredients, a dash more is okay too. Whole fruits & veggies require just a small amount as well. If too many heavy ingredients are applied to the mask it will not stick on the skin. If this occurs add more kaolin clay & stir. Mash up the mask, do not be afraid of hurting it!

Dry Skin Recipe Ingredients:

  • Olive Oil
  • Grape Seed Oil
  • Avocado
  • Apricot Seed Oil
  • Macadamia Oil
  • Hazelnut Oil
  • Oatmeal
  • Yogurt

Have you created a face mask yet? What are your favorite ingredients to use? Always looking for new recipe ideas.

Enjoy your ritual!