There are abdominal exercises for women specially developed, because the abdominal wall is definitely the one anatomical region where the toned look, and tropic-looking “flat” gives its owner a purely athletic look.

Abdominal Exercises for Women

In addition, a toned abdomen, trophic and, therefore, very much in form prompter is also, in part, the lifestyle of the person and then a reflection of dietary discipline calibrated to maintain low levels of body fat and consistency in training anaerobic and aerobic.

Abdominal exercises in reference to the training useful to stimulate the muscles effectively be counted as part of the abdominal wall is to be noted that there are specific types of exercises and exercises indirect.

Abdominal exercises as for the exercises of the indirect type, they are all those whose execution inevitably requires the isometric contraction of the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, transverse abdominis muscle and pyramidal in order to stabilize the trunk to allow the coordinated movement of joints directly involved in the exercise and, therefore, with the muscles that they intend to recruit so elective.

  • abdominal exercises An example is the exercise of the extension of the elbows “Ercolina” for the training of the brachial triceps muscles.
  • Many visitors of the weight rooms, while performing this exercise show a dramatic involvement of the abdominal muscles.
  • That’s right, if your abs not isometric ally contracts remained during the execution of that year, it would be difficult to keep the trunk stable during the execution of the same.

The same is true also with regard to many other abdominal exercises that are performed for specific training of other muscle groups and for which no one thinks of it as their responsibility to intervene in the abdominal muscles as stabilizers, other examples are squats rocker free (for the training of the quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings), the relaxations over the head with dumbbells (for training deltoids, upper beams of the trapezius, serratus anterior, or serratus anterior), the barbell curl or dumbbells (for the workout of biceps brachii, brachialis anterior, brachioradialis) etc…


coincidence that the body builder and educated scholars in the field of kinesiology, train the muscles of the abdominal wall in a specific manner or for a maximum of 2 times a week, because conscious of the fact that their recruitment is constant within the majority of isotonic exercises that are performed for the recruitment of other muscle groups.

The above refers to the possibility allenanti and recruitment of the muscles of the abdominal wall, but no influence on the outcome exerts the same absolute and final aesthetic appearance of the abdominal wall.

Abdominal exercises with this statement refers to the fact that although the abdominal workout can be sect orally focused and technically correct, highlighting the aesthetics of its form-which tape muscular long and flattened, stretched from the side faces of the 5th, 6th and 7th° costal cartilage to the pubis (the section between the pubic symphysis and the pubic tubercle) with interruptions due to transversal tendon inscriptions that give it the overall morphological feature more commonly known as “turtle” is merely the prerogative of low levels of fat on that area that allow the development of trophic abdominal arise in relief.

To this you must add as fundamental, for the avoidance of doubt, that the decrease of adipose tissue in the abdomen is not a function of the area targeted abdominal workouts so as to make possible what fitnessiano in the area is better known as “spot reduction” (that is localized weight loss as a function of muscle training settorializzato).

That is, the specific exercises abdominal area will not result in decrease of fat mass at the level of the area itself.

So far, within the scientific literature, there is in that it can endorse the possibility of weight loss, one localized. Indeed, there are scientific productions that highlight the opposite.

Therefore, the solution to have a trophic abdomen but especially in view is twofold:

  1. Direct and indirect workout for the muscles of the abdominal wall.
  2. Conditions of nutritional lipolytic to promote weight loss generalized.

Here we will consider the factor that training and exercises which train in a specific and direct the abdominal area.

But before that the purpose of a clearer understanding of morphology which will forge the abdominal wall once given the appropriate training stimulus, it is necessary to understand what actually the muscle bellies that compose it in its entirety.

The muscles of the abdominal wall are:

  • Rectus Abdominal Muscle
  • Transverse abdominis muscle
  • Muscle Pyramid
  • External oblique muscle of the abdomen
  • Oblique muscle of the abdomen

Abdominal Exercises Below is a list of exercises for training the district or synergistic effect of these muscle bellies.

  • Crunch the ground or on the bench.
  • Reverse crunches on the floor or on bench
  • Crunch with a twist at the ground or bench
  • Crunch lat pulldowns
  • Crunch combined
  • Exercises for abdominal vacuum

Instead, abdominal exercises for those most physically conditioned and able to respond to muscularly most important strengths, here are the exercises above but adapted to meet the need of increase of external stimulation on the muscles of choice:

  • Reverse Crunch on the parallel bars
  • Reverse Crunch with a twist on the parallel bars
  • Crunch inclines of 35° or Swiss Ball
  • Reverse crunches on the incline bench at 35°
  • Crunch with twist on Swiss Ball
  • Crunch with twist on Swiss Ball (holding a stick in her hands)
  • Crunch lat pulldowns overload
  • Crunch lat pulldowns with a twist

Abdominal Exercises vacuum with time duration greater executive.

Proper breathing mode during the year plays a crucial role, about different aspects (functional, metabolic, etc.). , In reference to any exercise. But in reference to the abdomen, the correct timing in the succession of the respiratory function of the executive phases (positive and negative) that mark the totality of the single repetition allows an additional advantage at the level of the stimulus and contraction of the rectus abdominal workout.

The rectus abdominal exercises in addition to her duties as approaching the thoracic portion of the spine to the pelvis and the pelvic tilt movement itself plays a fundamental role in the management of forced expiration.

In other words if the entire respiratory act in the course of movement is performed well, and then if the supply of the expiratory phase during the positive phase of any exercise for the abdomen is performed so decided, the abdominal work will enjoy a contraction twofold:

  1. Kinesiology (the movement that determines the rectus abdominis and pelvic spinal segments);
  2. Forced Expiratory

Moreover, it is essential to consider that the abdominal workout not only allows the toning of the abdominal wall and its emphasis ask if it included low levels of body fat, but the tone of the muscles of the abdomen tropism favors the so-called “abdominal pressure” and that their increased tone allows the reduction of the volume of the abdominal cavity because compresses the abdominal and pelvic organs, such adaptation and functional morphology is also responsible for the so-called “abdominal exercises flat stomach”.

Instead, a great tone tropism of the oblique muscles causes a contouring effect on the waistline.

Obliques act as real “tie” muscle, so an increase in their trophic and functional forces to an appreciable extent the abdominal cavity in the frontal plane contributing, therefore, to promote the achievement of a life closer.

It ‘ important to note that this adaptation contributes to the formation of a life closer relation to the influence that the tone has tropism of the oblique muscles on those bones and soft parts, of course.

So, in order not to spread false information here reaffirms the concept that abdominal exercises workout (including oblique muscles) exerts no influence on the length and thickness of the bone, such as those of the pelvis.

However, it can be stated without any shyness, that the same width of the basin (relatively bone-structural aspect) and adipose tissue in the abdomen, an individual with an abdominal wall trophic and will boast a well-conditioned abdominal cavity size well smaller waistline and a more contoured than those who do not have the same adaptations and muscle conditioning.